In July of 2005, hubby and I locked the door behind us and set out on an adventure. At that time we were buying St. Bernards to start our program. In order to find the best of the best we had to drive. And since we had to drive anyway, we decided to make a trip of it. I wanted to see Mt. Rushmore.
As the days leading up to our departure ticked away, I continued to find other destinations. I poured over the Atlas (yes, people still use those) to find new and exciting spots to tour. One morning as I prepared for work, I happily told hubby that Yellowstone was just a half days drive away. The next day I mentioned Glacier National Park in Montana. Oh, but don't forget the Battle of Little Big Horn in Wyoming... and did I mention all the cool Lewis and Clark stuff?
So on D - Day or in this case Friday, John and I loaded my little Pontiac, locked the door and left on our road trip. A little over 24 four hours later we arrived in Rapid City, South Dakota in the same clothes we put on in Kentucky and with ZERO sleep. Did I mention we had to visit the Corn Palace as we drove by???
We were so excited, we pitched our bags in the nearest hotel room we could find and set off to see Mt. Rushmore. Then we had to see the Geronimo monument. It was a crazy week! I kid you not when I say we traveled through 11 states, 4 national parks and 3 national monuments. It was interesting to say the least and we racked up the miles on my little Grand Am. Sometimes we got quite "testy." I'm amazed we both made it home in one piece!
I really didn't get to see a great deal in Glacier National Park. If you have ever gone up the Road to the Sun you can appreciate this fact! I was driving and with the fear of going thousands of feet off the edge of the road... well... I couldn't take my eyes off the road! John swears there were glaciers there but I'm still not sure... lol...
As we were heading back to North Dakota to pick up our beautiful fluffer Dakota (hence her name) we stopped at the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Well the welcome center wasn't quite so welcome. You see on the counter in a large jar of furmaldehyde was a rattlesnake! It seems they have those in North Dakota. And park management felt people might want to know what they look like! Yikes! Let me tell ya... I'm not getting that close to ANY snake!
But here's the funny part of that stop... As we are driving through, hubby spots a wild mustang. John yells for me to stop the car so he can get out and take a photo of this true western sight. John steps out of the car and gingerly steps onto the pavement to take a photo. Picture this (no pun intended)... My hubby took professional photos for years so he is PARTICULAR about shots. I am a point and shoot gal... To my chagrin... he keeps stepping farther and farther out into the prairie... AND then I notice the BIG SIGN he walked by... BEWARE OF RATTLESNAKES! Yikes! John is just moving on toward the horse looking through the viewfinder determined to get the perfect shot! Now I am hyperventilating! I yell politely (maybe not so politely) at him to move back. And frantically yell out to him about the sign he just passed! Oh don't worry, he yells back! I will hear it long before I need to worry! ACK!!!! I am thinking... no way am I dragging you out of that potentially snake infested patch if you get bit!!!! lol... Well, John made it back safe and sound and to this day he reminds me of the day I just about left him in the middle of a North Dakota prairie!
So sorry to take so long to get to my point... but here it is. When we begin our Christian walk, our destination, our ultimate goal is Heaven. We close the door behind us (the old man) and put on the new one. And we begin that journey toward the other side. We don't know what might cross our paths. We most certainly have joyeous times (like seeing the mustang), we may fear (rattlesnakes) and we may have something in between. Ultimately we are trying to make it home.
After our adventure, we pulled into our little farm with a beautiful fluffy new St. Bernard in tow. We were tired! We were grumpy! But we had an amazing ride! It wasn't always easy and it wasn't always safe (John if you are reading this... I love you!) but it was an adventure. And boy was it nice to be back where we belonged. I imagine that when we get to Heaven it will be the same. Life here may be hard and it may be trying but we will be so relieved to be home with Jesus. I bet life on this side will be a distant memory.
I created this card for a wonderful lady who recently lost her father. The loss is very real but his reward is so great! Blessings to you and have a wonderful Lord's day!

Card Recipe
Card Stock - Bazzil; Designer Paper - Doodlebug - Black Divine
Image/Sentiment - Gina K. Designs - Framed Greetings
Ink - Memento - Summer Sky - sponged on dp flowers, Memento Tuxedo Black;
Copic - B32, B34, Y11, Y15, YG03, C3
Spellbinders Nestabilities - Labels Sixteen
Pearls - Silver - Jolee
Ribbon - Gina K. Designs