Early one morning, I puttered out to my car to shuttle off to work. It was so early in fact, that it was still pitch dark outside. I hopped in, started the engine and put my car in reverse to back my car up and leave my driveway. My car has a backup camera and so as I rolled the car backward the familiar black and white screen came to life. But what I saw on that screen almost caused me to have a heart attack! All I could see on the screen was a large hairy blob with large hairy legs! It took me a moment to realize that a tiny little spider was hanging on my camera. And that tiny spider when magnified looked like something from a HORROR movie! After I gathered my wits I realized just how true that moment was in the human experience. Sometimes we take the tiniest of deals and blow them completely out of proportion UNTIL we are utterly terrorized by the idea of how big the problem is! But the key is... the problem really isn't that big... WE JUST MADE IT OUT TO BE THAT WAY! It's all about perspective... and why worry? God's got it anyway...
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Additional Products
Paper - Staples, Bazzill, Soulful Stitches Collection by ODBD
Ink - Memento Tuxedo Black
Misc. - Prima Flourish, Seam Binding, Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist - Iridescent Gold